Improve Web Site Traffic


Content is King is but the foundational words hidden in the background are your royal court. What you have in the background is the key to improving your website traffic. It takes, not only planning, but a little understanding of how people work, not just search engines.

If you build it, they will come…

Keywords, Phrases, and Meta Tags are crucial to improving traffic. They form the foundation of Search Engine Optimization. This should be a priority in your business plan for your website. Improving website traffic is bringing your customers to you.

Do your homework. You need to think like your readership and cover the bases of how they would search for your type of site. For example: If they want to know how to improve website traffic, then that is a phrase you should list as a key phrase.

Key words and phrases should be sprinkled throughout your pages but not overdone. Use it in the beginning and ending of your page as that grabs the attention of a search engine. Use it as an open for business sign and creating a brand but do not overdo it, as that will take away from the flow of your content.

Build relationships

As in any business, it isn’t just about the products you offer, it is the relationships you build with your customers that will bring them back for more. Improving web site traffic is about building that relationship with each potential reader. Use your pages to promote your products but add a blog to promote your relationships.

A blog on your web site is your number one customer service tool. You want them to WANT to be there once they do arrive. Part of improving web site traffic isn’t about how many visitors stop by to see you but how long they linger on your pages. Give them a reason to stay and to come back for more.

Linking up with others

Read other blogs and interact. Part of improving web site traffic, is having others link back to you. It isn’t just placing your link in someone’s blog comments, but creating a reason why another blogger will reference you with a link.

Become an authority on your topic and share that knowledge. People are looking for answers. Giving your audience a reason to link to you is where the content is king rule comes into play.

Summing it all up

Finally, you have built your website, the plans are in place, keywords and phrases are chosen, the relationships are building, yet you want more. The final step in improving your web site traffic is to improve your unique and individual voice. Written communication needs to be concise, informative, giving a reader what they want, and make a lasting impression in just a matter of seconds. Your writing must convey sincerity and a personality that is unique to you. Improving website traffic is no different than improving customer relationships, yet it uses an entirely different

